Congratulations on your subscription!
If you are creating swept path movements or validations as part of your business, rest assured that you have made the right decision in subscribing to RapidPath Online. It is, without doubt, the easiest and fastest way to create swept path plans for your works - from any platform. Read on below to learn a little more about Invarion, and our plans for RapidPath Online.
Since our inception in 2001, it has been our singular focus to be the best in the market with our traffic planning software solutions, now used by over 6,000 customers in 27 countries. Every one of our customers is valuable to us, which is why we offer unrivaled ongoing support from initial setup through to plan creation.
We are committed to the continual improvement of RapidPath Online, and we actively encourage feedback from users around the world who would like to see improvements, additions or modifications to the system. It's this feedback that helps us shape our future releases for our customer base. If you have an idea for a new feature or a suggestion for an improvement or change to the current version of RapidPath Online you are using, please submit feedback via the ''Contact support'' option in the Main Menu.
If you require assistance, just contact the Technical support team, they are available 24 hours, 5 days a week to assist you. Visit the Invarion Website for contact details in your region.
To start using RapidPath Online, first log into your Invarion Cloud account. Log in here using the credentials you created when signing up for a subscription.
To create your first plan click on Create button and choose New swept path plan from the menu. You will be automatically taken to the RapidPath Online interface.
After you finish, you can find your plan in the Plans sections inside Invarion Cloud.
If you ever need to update your subscription, Log in here and navigate to the My Account page.
Invarion Cloud is an online application for storing all your plans and related documents. It is also the entry point to the RapidPath Online and other web-based Invarion applications.
Note: Invarion Cloud has superseded our old storage application, the RapidPlan Cloud.
Invarion Cloud is a dynamic web-application that consists of four main elements:
Element | Description |
Navigation Menu | Navigation menu located on the left side of the screen is used to navigate through different sections of the Invarion Cloud such as "Plans", "Trash" or "Shared with Me". Navigation menu also holds "+ Create" button for creating new plans, folders or uploading existing plan from your computer. |
Top Bar | At the top of the page, on the left side you can find an interactive path to your current location. Right part of the top bar is populated by a search input for searching folders and plans, toggle buttons for switching the type of view and your initials button that holds a link to account settings, support page and logout option. |
Main View | Main view of the page showing selected folder or section. |
Offcanvas Panel | Panel on the right side of the screen used for displaying details of selected plan or folder. |
Note: Even though Invarion Cloud is a single page application, it stores your current folder location in your web browser search bar. Thanks to that, you can successfully create browser bookmarks for your favourite or commonly used sections.
Invarion Cloud consists of different sections. You can switch between sections using the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.
When you first open the Invarion Cloud, the Home section is where you land. Here you can see your recently created/modified plans but also plans that have been shared to you recently. Home is divided into three parts:
Plans is the main directory, containing all of your folders and files. Click on the arrow next to the plans to expand the folder tree and see your whole folder structure.
Clicking on the folder will take you straight to that location. Your current location is also displayed on the top bar in the form of a path. Each element of the path is clickable:
All Plans is a special section that shows all plans that you have access to. That includes plans shared with you by other users. This section doesn't show folders. Plans are displayed regardless of their containing folder.
In this section, you can see all the plans that were shared with you by other RapidPath Online users.
Inside the Trash section you can find all your deleted plans and folders. Plans and folders in the trash will be automatically deleted after 30 days.
You can restore the plan or a folder by choosing "Restore" option in the plan's or folder's context menu. If you want to clean up your trash manually, choose the "Delete forever" option from the same menu.
To create a new plan simply click on the "Create" button in the navigation menu and choose "New plan" from the menu. The plan will be created in the folder you are currently in, and you will be taken automatically to RapidPath Online.
To open the plan click on it. This will open the panel with plan's details. Look for it on the right side of the screen. Inside the panel click on the "Open" button to open the plan in RapidPath Online.
Figure 3.9 Openning A Plan
Tip: To open the plan in a separate tab or window, right click on "Open" and choose the desired option from the context menu.
Note: Depending on the current view (3.6 Different Views) plans can be represented by a rows in a table, tiles or pins on the map.
You can upload the plan from your computer to your online storage. This may come useful when someone shares the RapidPath Online ".tcp" plan with you by other means than through the Invarion Cloud, for example as an attachment to an email.
To upload existing ".tcp" file to your storage click on the "Create" button in the navigation menu and choose "Upload existing" from the menu. The plan will be uploaded to the folder you are currently in.
You can see available actions for the plan by clicking on the "three dots" button near its name. This will open plan's context menu with all options listed.
Different actions you can do on plans:
Action | Description |
Rename | Rename plan. |
Delete | Move plan to trash. |
Duplicate | Create a copy of the plan. Duplicate will appear in the same location as the original plan. |
Move | Move plan to a different location. |
History | Restore the previous version of the plan. Read more in chapter 3.9 Plan's History |
Download | Download plan to your device. |
Share | Opens window with sharing options for the plan. Read more in chapter 3.8 Sharing Plans |
Table 3.2
Folders help you keep your files organized and separate inside your Invarion storage. They work the same way as they work on your computer.
To create a folder click on "+ Create" a button and choose the "New folder" option. A window will appear with input for the new folder's name. Enter the desired name for the folder and click "Ok". New folder will appear in your current location, and you will be taken straight into it.
You can see available actions for the folder by clicking on the "three dots" button near its name. This will open folder's context menu with all options listed.
Different actions you can do on folders:
Action | Description |
Rename | Change name of the folder. |
Delete | Move folder and its contents to trash. |
Move | Move folder and its contents to a different location. |
Plan's or folder's details can be shown in the hideable panel on the right side of the screen. To see them click on a plan that interests you or open the folder. If you already are inside the folder which the details you want to see, click on the folder's name in the top bar.
Plan's Details | |
Created at | Creation time and date |
Owner | Plan's owner |
Location | Location of the plan in the Invarion Cloud. Clicking on it will take you to the containing folder. |
Last modified | Time and date of the last modification made to the plan. |
Modified by | User responsible for the last modification. This is especially useful when collaborating with others. |
Public access | Shows whether the plan has enabled sharing via public link. |
Collaborators | List of the other collaborators invited to the plan. |
Folder's Details | |
Created at | Creation time and date |
Created by | Folder's owner |
Additionally, the details panel includes buttons for basic option such as "Open", "Move", "Share", "Delete" for plans, and "Move", "Rename", "Delete" for folders.
Tip: Click on plan's or folder's name to rename this plan or folder.
Invarion Cloud lets you view your plans in three different ways:
View | Description |
Table View | The Table view presents all of your plans in a table. The table shows the document name, the date it was created, last modified and the editor's name. You can also see if a plan is public, private and or has been shared with a collaborator. You can sort your plans by clicking on column's heading to order by plan's name, creation date or last modified date. |
Tile View | The tile view presents your plans as a series of thumbnail images. The tiles show a preview of the plan, for easy identification. Shared plans have special overlay icon that indicates that a plan has been shared. To sort in tile view click on "sort" button on the top bar and choose a desired sorting option. |
Map | The map view displays your plans on a map. This can be useful when searching for a plan at a specific location, or for visualizing clusters of projects within a particular region. Plans displayed on the map will show depending on the folder you are currently in. To see all of your plans on the map, open map view while in the "All Plans" section. |
To change the view use the appropriate buttons on the top bar.
You can change the view at any moment. It won't reset your current location or search results. The view you last selected will be saved in your browser as your default view. So next time you enter Invarion Cloud your preferred view will be shown.
In the top right corner of the page you will find search input for searching your plans or folders. Searching will search in the current location (folder). If you want to search in all of your plans, switch to the "Home" or "All Plans" section.
Invarion Cloud features two options for sharing your plans with others.
Sharing plan with other RapidPath Online subscribers will allow for a collaboration in creating the plan. To add collaborators to your plan click on the "Share" option in the plan's context menu or on the plan's details panel. New dialog box will appear. In the top section of the dialog enter RapidPlan Online user's email and click "Add".
Invited user will be notified about this fact in email, and the shared plan will appear in his or her "Shared with Me" section. In your storage this plan will be marked as "shared" and collaborators will be listed in the plan's details. You can add multiple collaborators to a single plan. To remove the collaborator click the "X" button near the email of the user you want to delete.
List of things collaborators can do:
List of things collaborators can't do:
You can track the activity on your shared plan using the plan's details where the last modification date and person responsible for the change are listed. Collaborators are also listed in the plan's history where you can restore any previous version of the plan (3.9 Plan's History).
You can share your plan with anyone (including people who don't have RapidPath Online subscription) via a unique link. A Person who has the link can view the document but cannot edit it. This applies to both RapidPath Online subscribers and non users. If you want to share a plan with the editing privilege use the method mentioned in the previous point (3.8.1 Sharing with Other RapidPath Online Subscribers).
To create a sharable link click on the "Share" option in the plan's context menu or on the plan's details panel. A new dialogue will appear. In the bottom section of the dialogue click the "Create share link" button. You can then copy the link and share it with anyone you want. From now on this plan will be marked as "public". You can stop sharing at any time using "Remove share link" option in the same dialogue.
Invarion Cloud keeps track of every modification made to the plan. Anytime the plan autosaves a new recovery point is made. Thanks to this you can easily go back to any previous version of the plan undoing some unwanted changes made by yourself or other collaborators. It is like turning back the clock.
To use recovery options select "History" from the plan's context menu. A new dialogue will appear listing all the possible recovery points for this plan. Select the one you are interested in and choose one of two options, "Restore this version" or "Create copy". The former restores the original plan to the selected previous version. The latter creates a new plan from information saved in the selected recovery point. Recovery points listed in the "History" dialogue are divided by date. Additionally to that each one has unique number, timestamp and user responsible for the modification made to the plan.
Note: If you restore a previous version of the plan, you will still have access to the later versions of the document. So, no risk is involved.
Tip: Plan's history may also come in handy when something unexpected happens to your plan. You can then retrieve last correctly working version of the plan.
To enter settings use the "Settings" button at the bottom of the navigation menu. From here you can visit your account page to change your password or edit your billing details. You can also change your default plan settings such as author and company name, your website or upload a company logo. This information will be used to populate the title block when used in RapidPath Online.
To Log out of the Invarion Cloud click on the "your initials" button in the top-right corner of the screen and choose "Logout".
If you have any questions about Invarion Cloud, or you would like to see a particular feature added, please feel free to contact us. To open contact page click on the "your initials" button in the top-right corner of the screen and choose "Support".
Before starting to create plans, we recommend getting to know your way around the workspace. It has been designed to be intuitive, easy to follow and to allow you the maximum available working space to create your traffic plan.
There are four main components of the RapidPath Online workspace:
These workspace components are highlighted in the below.
To name your plan, simply click where it mentions the plan title, highlighted above. Once renamed, the plan will autosave.
The plan author, comments and job work dates can be adjusted in Plan properties.
The following sections steps through each of component of the workspace.
The Canvas area is where your swept path plan is created. When you open a new plan, a Google Maps (satellite view) of your worksite location is displayed on the canvas background.
The Main menu contains a number of options to assist with plan creation. The image below shows the main tools of the RapidPlan Online menu.
Menu Selections | Description |
Invarion Cloud | Navigates to Invarion Cloud. |
This option opens the Print dialogue box. | |
Zoom to objects | Selecting this option will return your view to where the objects are situated on your plan. This feature is especially helpful if you lose your bearings on the unrestricted canvas and wish to return to the plan's point of origin. |
Reset plan | This option erases all objects, signs, layers, plan location and history within a plan. |
Contact support | Opens a webpage with Tech support contact information |
When drawing on the canvas area, your mouse can perform a number of functions. It can select objects, pan across the workspace and zoom in and out (using a mouse wheel). RapidPath Online offers two options for alternating between these functions - canvas button, tool selection in the main menu.
The Select tool is principally used to drag and drop objects onto the canvas area. It also has a special drag-select function, used when selecting multiple objects. Clicking (tap and hold on mobile devices) and dragging your mouse creates a selection window. The direction you drag the mouse creates a different colored window.
If you drag to the right, the window is purple. This selects objects that are completely within the purple window.
If you drag to the left, the window is green. This selects all objects touching the green window.
Examples of this are shown below.
![]() |
Drag right (Purple) | ![]() |
Object selection |
![]() |
Drag left (green) | ![]() |
Object selection |
The Toolbar, located in the top right corner of the workspace, contains a number of buttons available for quick access. Each button is described below.
Label | Button | Description |
![]() |
Open the printing dialogue to print or export a plan. | |
Tools | ![]() |
Show/hide the Tools palette. |
Operations | ![]() |
Show/hide the Operations palette. |
The palettes are located on the left (Tools) and right (Operations) of the canvas area. They can be shown/hidden by toggling the corresponding button on the Toolbar. This can be helpful for maximizing the canvas area when preparing larger-scale plans.
The Tools palette includes:
The Operations palette includes:
Each palette can be minimized by clicking the arrow icon at the top left.
The following sections describe the functions of each palette in detail.
The Tools palette contains most of the elements required to annotate a swept path plan. The tools are separated into three categories, detailed in the Tables below:
Label | Button | Description |
Distance marker | ![]() |
Mark the distance between two points |
Combined distance marker | ![]() |
Mark multiple distances separated into segments |
Offset distance marker | ![]() |
Mark the distance between two points and offset the marker |
Manifest box | ![]() |
Itemizes the number of objects on a plan |
Arrow marker | ![]() |
Draws an arrow object |
Angle marker | ![]() |
Marks the angle between two points |
Label | Button | Description |
Polyline | ![]() |
Draws straight lines that can be connected in a series of segments |
Polygon | ![]() |
Draws a polygon shape that can be filled with a custom color |
Spline | ![]() |
Creates a curved line along path |
Filled Spline | ![]() |
Creates a curved line that can be connected and filled with a custom color |
Bezier | ![]() |
Create a curved line with greater precision using control points and curve handles |
Filled Bezier | ![]() |
Create a curved line with greater precision using control points and curve handles. Fill with custom colors |
Text object | ![]() |
Creates an object out of text that can be manipulated like any other object |
Text box | ![]() |
Creates a box that can be filled with text |
Rectangle | ![]() |
Draw rectangular shapes and fill with custom colors |
Ellipse | ![]() |
Draw elliptical shapes and fill with custom colors |
Arc | ![]() |
Draw a line in the shape of an arc |
Arc Pie | ![]() |
Creates an arc shape that can be filled with a custom color |
Rounded Rectangle | ![]() |
Creates rectangle with rounded edges that can be filled with a custom color |
Insert Image | ![]() |
Insert an image file (jpeg, png, gif) to drop onto the canvas area |
The Vehicles palette is the repository for each of the vehicles in RapidPath Online.
There are 2 components, Vehicle libraries and Vehicle selection.
The Properties palette displays all the information pertaining to any selected vehicles, tools, markers or objects. This is where you can change fonts, colors, etc - of a selected object.
The Properties palette allows for full customization of a vehicle path on your plan. Select the vehicle path, and you can then adjust its properties. For example, you can customize any aspect of a vehicle, as seen below.
This applies for all objects you place on your canvas area; each object has its own properties that you can edit and customize to suit your plan.
The History palette contains the list of changes that you have made on the plan. On the top right of the palette, there are two arrows that represent undo and redo operations.
You can click on any of the changes made to take you back to that particular point in the creation of the plan.
There will be a lot of cases where you will need to create more than one plan for a job, such as when you have different stages of work or multiple vehicle paths. That's why RapidPath Online enables you to place multiple layers on your plan.
Layers will, more importantly, help you keep things organized in your plan. You can have a separate layer for vehicles, distances and other plan objects. Layers will improve your workflow and allow for easier changes on a more complex plan.
By default, every plan starts with only one layer, the Background.
Layers palette is divided in two sections:
The image below highlights elements of the "Layers" section.
Elements in "Layers" section and their functions:
Adjust basemap to your needs in "Basemap" section of Layers palette.
Elements in "Basemap" section and their functions:
Changes made to a plan are saved automatically. The status bar located at the top of the page shows the autosave status. There are three stages which take about 4 seconds to cycle through:
Note: Panning across the map or changing plan location will not trigger the autosave function. You must draw or place an object on the canvas area to initial the autosave.
Term | Definition |
Vehicle | The chosen object from the Vehicle Library. It can't be resized, its size is automatically adjusted to the scale of the base map. |
Vehicle Path | Steering path for the vehicle. The path consists of user control points that reflect subsequent vehicle positions during the manoeuvre. The path consists of sections that can have different parameters such as speed, friction and turn on stop setting (on/off) within a single path. |
Vehicle Profile | An object that can be placed onto the document to represent the vehicle used in Swept Path Analysis. Vehicle profile consists of vehicle's name, basic properties, and side diagram with key dimensions. |
Path Section | These are the sections between the user control points of the Vehicle Path. Each segment has properties such as speed, friction and turn on stop setting (on/off). |
Sweep Envelope | The result of the swept path analysis. Defined as the visible turning space needed for a specific vehicle on a specific path to operate safely on the road network and to avoid causing damage to roadside furniture. |
Clearance Envelope | Clearance Envelope is a zone outside the actual Sweep Envelope. It allows you to add an extra offset to accommodate for driver error or real-world situations. |
Lock To Lock Time | Time in seconds that it takes the driver of the vehicle to turn the steering from full lock in one direction to full lock in the opposite direction in a single continuous movement. This may differ depending on which standards and vehicle types are used. |
Speed and Friction Link | The lateral friction factor is dependent on the vehicle speed and is calculated according to the chosen vehicle and its related standards. You can disable this behavior by clicking on the link/unlink toggle button in the "Section details" window while drawing the vehicle path. |
Turn on Stop | The option that allows the vehicle to make a stop and turn the front wheels between different sections of the Vehicle Path. |
Steering Angle | The steering angle is defined as the angle between the front of the vehicle and the wheels direction. |
Turning Radius - Curb to Curb | The radius of the turning circle that denotes how wide a street would need to be so the vehicle can make a U-turn without hitting the street curb with the wheel. Value of minimum turning radius (curb to curb) for each vehicle can be found inside the Vehicle Library. |
Turning Radius - Wall to Wall | The radius of the turning circle that denotes how far apart two walls would need to be so the vehicle can make a U-turn without scraping the walls with the bumper. Value of minimum turning radius (wall to wall) for each vehicle can be found inside the Vehicle Library. |
Min Radius | Centerline radius of the smallest circular turn that the vehicle is capable of making at a given speed. |
The first step in creating the Swept Path Analysis is adding a vehicle to your plan. To do this, navigate to the Vehicle Library. In the Vehicle Library palette, choose the library and vehicle you are interested in and left-click. Now, place the vehicle onto your plan with the left mouse button.
Vehicles in RapidPath Online can be positioned and rotated just like any other object. But, their size is automatically adjusted to the plan's scale and cannot be changed.
When clicking on a vehicle you can check its most important parameters inside the Properties palette.
To start drawing a Vehicle path, select the vehicle on your plan and click on ''Continue drawing'' in the context menu.
When in "Continue drawing" mode a special window called "Section details" will appear with settings for:
and info such as:
After setting the speed, friction and "Turn on stop" option you can start drawing the path. To do this, indicate the points on the canvas area by clicking the left mouse button. Each point creates another section of the Vehicle path. Each section can have different parameters such as speed, friction and turn on stop setting. You can adjust section parameters before making each point to create a path that consists of sections with different speeds, friction and other parameters.
You can only create a path within the maneuverability capabilities of the current vehicle at given parameters such as speed, friction, lock to lock time, etc. Observing a real-time preview of the vehicle, the turning angle indicator during drawing will help you make the desired path. The turn angle indicator will show you your max turning radius.
Finish drawing the path by clicking the right mouse button. Once the Vehicle Path is finished it turns into a single object that can be freely moved and rotated.
Clearance Envelope will allow you to add offset to the Sweep Envelope to accommodate for driver error or real world situations. To turn on the Clearance Envelope go to the "Clearance" section in path's properties and change "Show" property to "Filled" or "Outline".
You can edit the clearance envelope offset distances in the "Clearance dimension" section of the path's properties.
Vehicle Path, Sweep Envelope and Wheel Paths can be styled in many different ways using Vehicle Path's properties in the Object Properties window. Aside from visual customization, you can also:
It is always a good idea to add the description of the vehicle used for the Swept Path Analysis to your document. You can easily do this by clicking the left mouse button on the vehicle or Vehicle Path and choosing "Add vehicle profile" from the context menu.
The Vehicle Profile displays the:
The final 2 features of the Vehicle path relate to the context menu.
Left-click your vehicle path to view the context menu.
Selecting ''Show path properties'' will display a window with a breakdown of each path section drawn (speed, direction, friction etc).
The window will only display the information for each path section and is not yet editable.
Clicking on ''Show vehicle properties'' will display a window with a breakdown of the vehicle selected in more detail.
Completed plans can be printed directly from the application, or exported as a PDF and Image file.
When your plan is ready for Printing or Exporting, simply select the Print option in the Main Menu, or click the printer icon () in the toolbar. Once selected, the following print dialogue window opens, containing several options to customize your document.
These options include:
Once the Get PDF button has been selected, you will be able to Print or Download your plan to PDF.
As shown in the image above, clicking the Download PDF button will allow you to save your plan as a PDF file. This will then open your default PDF application and show you a preview of your downloaded plan. Clicking Print plan will open your default printer dialogue.
RapidPath Online can be used on any mobile device that has a web browser. The application will simply adjust the screen to fit, based on the device you are using.
To use tools/vehicles on a mobile device, simply tap the tool/vehicle you wish to use. Tapping on your screen is the same action as a left mouse click.
Tap on to your canvas area to begin using the selected tool. Each tap on the canvas area will then create a new control point.
Note: You can also tap, hold and drag when using a tool to control the direction of the next object control point.
To select an object, simply tap on the object.
To select multiple objects, simply tap, hold and drag across the objects you wish to select and create a selection box.
To access the Context menu tap the object and the menu will appear.
If you want to pan, use a single finger, hold and drag across the canvas area.
To zoom in, pinch inwards on the canvas area.
To zoom out, pinch outwards on the canvas area.